

The First Sacrament

Just as Jesus began his ministry through baptism, our own baptism is the first step in a life-long commitment to Discipleship. We are baptized as children into God’s community and baptized as adults when we consciously accept the Holy Trinity of Father, Son and Holy Spirit into our hearts to become heirs of heaven. We put on our white garment of ‘immortality’ to join with Christ. With the sign of the Cross, we declare our intent to leave sin and separation behind, which seals and consecrates our commitment.

As we are baptized in the water and the Spirit, and/or with the laying on of hands, we are ‘anointed’ and joined with Christ in the fullness of the Eucharistic celebration and are fully welcomed into the Body of Christ and the Church community with the prayer of ‘Our Father...’

1218 Since the beginning of the world, water, so humble and wonderful a creature, has

been the source of life and fruitfulness. Sacred Scripture sees it as “overshadowed” by the Spirit of God. (12) At the very dawn of creation Your spirit breathed on the waters, making them the wellspring of all holiness. (13)

• From the Catechism of the Catholic Church

Baptism Instruction: English classes are held the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month at 9:15 AM in Room 10 in the Holy Spirit Center. Please bring a copy of the child’s birth certificate. Please see the Baptism Requirements page for more information.

Instrucción de Bautismo: Las clases de español se llevan a cabo el primer martes de cada mes a las 6:00 p.m. en el Salón 14 del Centro Espíritu Santo. Por favor traiga una copia del certificado de nacimiento del niño. Consulte la página de Requisitos de bautismo para obtener más información.

St. Stephen schedules baptisms every 4th Saturday of the month in the church. 10 AM in English and 12 PM in Spanish.

Steps for scheduling a baptism

1. Read the Baptism and Godparents Requirements.

Baptism and Godparents Requirements Requisitos de bautismo y padrinos

2. Parents and Godparents must register below to take the Baptismal Instruction Class.

3. Fill out the Baptismal Registration Form.

Baptismal Registration Form - English Formulario de registro bautismal - Español

4. Once all forms are completed send them all together at one time via email it to

*Please indicate what date you would like for your child to be baptized.

For questions about receiving the sacrament of Baptism, contact Lilia at 682-582-8208.

Register for Baptismal Instruction Class

St. Stephen Sacramental Certificate Request

Please complete the following information needed for a sacramental certificate.

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