Center of Hope

Center of Hope

Volunteers are needed to serve lunch at the Center of Hope.

Monday, October 21st, Tuesday, October 22nd,

and Wednesday, October 23rd, 2024 from 9:15 AM – 2:30 PM.

No one under the age of 18 allowed


Please sign up after Mass or contact Patrick Slocum 682-239-6100 or Jerry Kelly 817-597-7390.

We will also be collecting donations to cover the expense of meals.

This ministry exists from St. Stephen parishioners’ generosity of donations and time to volunteer.

Thank you for supporting this ministry. 

*All volunteers must be in compliance with "Protecting God's Children" Safe Environment. 

About the Center of Hope 

In April 1998, the Provision Center was established as a 501(c)(3) helping with food and clothing to individuals in our community. By 2003, we had outgrown our facility, moved to our present location, changed our name to Parker County Center of Hope, and began to add programs and services to address the needs of our growing community. Today, with nearly 20 years of experience, we provide crisis assistance and long-term solutions out of poverty to thousands of families living in Parker County. We help those who are hungry, homeless, uneducated, unemployed, working but still living at the poverty level, single moms, the elderly, the disabled, disadvantaged youth and children, and families in crisis.

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