Seeds of Life

Seeds of Life

Seeds of Life needs your HELP!

Our client intake has increased drastically, and we need your help.

Forms of help are: (but not limited to) donations of Diapers sizes 4-7, non-scented wipes, and travel size toiletries, but our most important need is VOLUNTEERS. Volunteers are what keep our doors open to the families in need.

For more information, please contact Roxy Young at (817) 458-0123. Thank you for your support and God bless!

About the Seeds of Life

Seeds of Life (formerly Flourishing Tree) is a family and pregnancy resource center. Seeds of Life supports families physically and spiritually on their journey. Our vision is restoring families with the foundation of respecting life and honoring God. We provide counseling with a certified licensed counselor, pregnancy tests, adoption information, referrals to other community agencies and medical resources, materials assistance- maternity, baby clothing, and food, temporary shelter, and assistance with education. All of these services are confidential, free, and given in a non-judgmental atmosphere of understanding and support.

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