Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults 

Got Catholic Questions?

We’ve Got Catholic Answers. 

Are you being called to the Catholic Church? Do you have questions about what Catholics believe? Whether you are just curious or already feel a deep hunger for communion with our Lord and His Church, RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) is for you! You do not make any commitment or obligation by inquiring about Catholicism or beginning the Christian initiation process. RCIA classes will be on Wednesday nights at 7 PM, starting sometime in August 2024, where we will discuss in depth what Catholics believe and why we do what we do! 

For additional information and/or to register for RCIA

Please contact Myra de la Garza at 817-683-3274
or Rusty Gibson at 817-247-1477

This was the "aha" moment for me.

I never really felt I belonged at other church’s congregations. Maybe it was my own guilt that I was carrying around? Just like many others, I have made selfish decisions. I was baptized at the church I was attending back in 2005 as I needed a change, a clean slate. My past sins were forgiven. The only problem was I kept making the same poor choices. I questioned God. I was angry. I was mad. Why would God let these things happen in my life? I later learned it was a test of my faith to God. 

In 2020, I was introduced to St. Stephen Catholic Church. I didn’t know much about the catholic ministry, but for the first time in my life I actually felt like I belonged to a church. I wasn’t Catholic, but learned through my friends that I could receive a blessing. Many times I stood in line to receive a blessing, but I wanted a deeper connection to Jesus. I begin to inquire about RCIA and joined the class in August 2022. I felt like a fish out of water. I had been to other Bible classes, but this was much deeper in relation to the biblical aspect. I would often ask my cradle Catholic friends at church and work different questions about the church. My Catholic Church exposure was minimal at best. I researched my family history and learned my grandmother was Catholic, my dad attended catholic school as young man and our family ancestry had a Nun and Friar. No wonder it felt different; this is where I belonged. The RCIA classes were great, very informative and I met a new set of friends as we’ve shared our thoughts and life experiences as we learned the Catholic faith. 

One of my teachers, Myra De La Garza, said we should try to attend Stations of the Cross and so I did. This was the “aha” moment for me. The ceremony was an intimate moment during the last hours of Jesus’ life. Listening to Fr. Emmet at each station, hearing the words Jesus was saying, the pain He was taking and His final words, “It Is Finished” before His Spirit left. I had tears in my eyes and on my face; it felt like I was there with Jesus. He died for ME and everyone else. My head was filled with emotions and grief about things that I had done in the past. I just felt horrible that I acted for my own satisfaction, without ever really thinking about what Jesus would say about my actions. It was all about me. I prayed hard that night and cried in my prayers to Jesus for forgiveness. The next step was reconciliation. Was I dreading it? Yes, I’m telling Fr. Emmet my life. Did I want to do it? Yes. I wanted to get right with God and confess my sins and receive forgiveness. 

As Easter Vigil and confirmation approached we were all excited. Fr. Emmet told me I was getting my feet washed on Holy Thursday. Getting my feet washed was a special moment in my life, as well as the Good Friday Mass. For confirmation I chose Veronica as my saint, as I was touched by her act of kindness towards Jesus, something we need more of in this world. I was confirmed as Darla Veronica Burkhart and I received my first communion at Easter Vigil. It was a beautiful ceremony and one of the best days in my life which I will cherish forever. 

God Bless,

Darla Burkhart

After attending Catholic Mass for many years at many different churches with my patient and understanding wife and our children, I finally decided, for many reasons, to participate in the RCIA program and and convert to Catholicism. This decision was in no small way influenced by the wonderful people of St. Stephen parish and the encouragement of Father Emmet and Father Mike. I am deeply grateful to both. 

I would also like to extend great appreciation to the team of RCIA instructors, first led by Deacon Steve, then through most of the program by Scott Elder. Thank you all for your dedication to the RCIA program! It really is a considerable commitment, and a generous way to share your faith while helping our class better understand and grow in our own. The instructors took turns in leading us through the various faith lessons in very informative and often inspiring ways, and always encouraged questions, including when leading us in small groups. I am also grateful to the other members of our class for their questions, comments and fellowship that helped to lead to increased understanding and growth.

The RCIA program has been a wonderful opportunity to dive into the rich history of the Church, the life, teaching, suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Apostolic tradition and the Holy Sacraments, among many other topics. Having a Protestant background, I have been very appreciative of learning about the importance of the Apostolic Tradition, teachings of the early Church Fathers and the importance of the Holy Sacraments in the Christian life, especially Reconciliation and the Holy Eucharist.

Life as we all know is a journey, and I feel privileged to have been able to count attendance at RCIA here at St. Stephen as a very significant part of my faith journey. Those involved in the RCIA program here truly demonstrate the Love of Christ. I would encourage anyone who is thinking about joining the Church to enter into the program here at St. Stephan. I promise it will be a very enlightening, faith affirming experience and opportunity for growth in the Holy Spirit.

Dan Benscoter 

Those involved in the RCIA program here truly demonstrate the Love of Christ.

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